September 11, 2024

Mrs Jeannette Kagame asked for international cooperation in fighting CervicalCancer


Mrs. Jeannette Kagame expressed that there is a positive step that Rwanda has taken in the fight against Cervical Cancer, but reminds that for the whole world to be able to eradicate this disease completely, it is a fight that requires cooperation.

It is a point that Mrs. Jeannette Kagame returned to on May 5, when she delivered a speech to the ladies of the Heads of State of the Commonwealth, who attended the coronation ceremony of the King of England, Charles III.

He pointed out that one of the topics discussed by couples and Heads of State who participated in the CHOGM meeting held in Rwanda last year was related to Cervical Cancer, confirming that even today it is still a problem of concern to the world.

He said, “One of the most important topics discussed is women’s health, especially cervical cancer. Today we need to re-examine the way we are dealing with this topic.”

Mrs. Jeannette Kagame continued to show that people who did not join forces and failed to fight this disease, especially because history shows that nothing has failed those who cooperated.

“At different times in history, the power of integration has proven to be extraordinary, it must succeed again. The lack of integration in the health sector of the world and among the members of the Commonwealth undermines our shared vision as countries of the common thread.”

“How will we tell our descendants that we have failed to tackle this problem of inclusivity, when we all share commonwealth values ​​that aim to transform the lives of our people.”

He pointed out that although Cervical Cancer is a disease that continues to worry the world, Rwanda has taken steps to eradicate it.

He said, “Since 2011 the National Cervical Cancer Prevention Program was launched, we have seen almost 90% of our population in the adolescent category. Five years ago, 30% of women were covered by this program. diagnosed with cervical cancer.”

“Programs to treat this cancer at an early stage have been decentralized, allowing 92% of women to access treatment at health facilities,” he said.

Mrs. Jeannette Kagame continued to show that one of the things that helped Rwanda to reach a good level in the fight against Cervical Cancer is putting women in decision-making bodies because they are the ones who know the problems at hand.

He asked those in the meeting to do something to fight Cervical Cancer and reminded them that they don’t need to be philanthropists who are desperate or have significant wealth.

“Advocacy and expanded campaigning combined with a willingness to have important conversations like this can be powerful catalysts for change,” he said.

Cervical cancer is a disease caused by excessive and uncontrolled growth of cervical tissue.

There are many different types of Cervical Cancer, but the most common is from the normal junction between the part of the cervix that is attached to the uterus and the part of the cervix that faces the uterus.

This disease is caused by a virus called Human Papilloma (HPV) in English.

In Rwanda as well as in the East African Region, for every 100 thousand women, about 52 are diagnosed with cervical cancer every year, a situation that is very suspicious when there is no action taken to prevent this disease.

This year, the Ministry of Health encourages Rwandans to cooperate in eradicating cervical cancer by focusing on vaccinating girls under 12 years of age.

Rwandans are also encouraged to avoid having unprotected sex.

Statistics from the Ministry of Health show that every year more than eight thousand people are diagnosed with cancer and more than six thousand die from it.

Of all these, breast and cervical cancers are the leading cause of death. It is time to prevent cervical cancer.

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